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Lash Lift Launchpad:

6 Weeks to Lash Mastery &
Building Your Beauty Empire from Home

    Lash Lift Launchpad is for you if:

    👉🏼 You are looking at setting your schedule and having the freedom to work from home

    👉🏼 You are passionate about travel and want the flexibility to choose your destinations without worrying about time off requests

    👉🏼You want to spend your day drinking coffee and listening to music while earning a steady income

    👉🏼You’re a mum seeking financial stability and flexibility to work around your family's needs

    👉🏼You are tired of the traditional 9-5 grind and crave a career that allows you to unleash your creativity, achieve financial security, and enjoy leisurely mornings

      Hi, I'm Kody!

      I am a dog mum, an award-winning business owner and a girl who loves to wear frangipanis in her hair.

      Years ago, I moved to a new city for love and landed a salon manager role in Sydney's CBD; I quickly felt overworked, underpaid, and under appreciated.

      I hated it and decided to start something from my new boyfriend's family home.

      Since then, I've moved to my own shop front; I choose my own schedule and earn my salon manager's wage in just one day's work.

      My passion is beauty, and I'm eager to teach others how to make a living doing what they love.

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